president zhang or secretary zhang?-欧洲杯买球app官方网站

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 as long as president zhang jianhong went business trip with dr. zhang yongming, president zhang would act as a secretary or an assistant for him. he helped zhang yongming to carry his luggage, get a boarding pass, order tasty food, and remind him of matters needing attention in a foreign country. moreover, he even bought shoes and shirts, and did other trivial things for zhang yongming. he told zhang yongming, ‘you are always losing things. if you ever cannot find some thing, come to me. i am your attendant. zhang yongming felt sorry about it. but zhang jianhong said, ‘your work is to take part in the academic conference.’

     for the sake of the ion membrane project, president gave zhang yongming power over three issues: what kind of research staff the project needs, what kind of operating post should be arranged, how much salary should be offered. these are totally decided by zhang yongming. in order to let dr. zhang concentrate on the project, president had his mother and sister moved to huantai. zhang yongming often said, ‘they say that it is hard to be loyal to your work and to be obedient to the parents at the same time. but i think i did it. when i do my work for the country, i can also do my filial duties to my mother every day.’

     once they went to german to attend an academic meeting, and they had to change their air tickets since there was a change in the schedule. but there was no good seat left then. president zhang could not bear to let dr. zhang suffer, and managed to get a good ticket finally through various ways. after helping dr. zhang find his seat, zhang jianghong carried the luggage to the economy class.

     cherishing talents is the common characteristic of dongyue leaders. dr. zhang and dongyue got to know each other on an academic meeting, where he was a representative of shanghai jiaotong univeristy. having heard the speech of ceo liu at the meeting, dr. zhang was touched, and he switched business card with ceo liu. after the meeting, he called ceo liu and told him his view. consequently, ceo liu immediately discussed it with president, and they sent zhang heng to discuss the cooperation issues with him in shanghai the next day. it took dongyue less than a week to meet all his requirements.

     it is dongyue leaders’ craving and cherishing for talents that has let the talents around the world gather in dongyue, and has made miracles in the industry again and again. 

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